🕐the global statics of the world🕐


16 sep 2015

the problem of econemy

hello we wil explore with you what money is and hhow it is created .credit and dept and the financial sector are verry important to our econemy. we are now in a credit or dept crisis so it seems that a lot of money or dept desapeared recently and we are in trouble where is this money gown to and where did it come from in the first place. WAT IN FACT IS MONEY? you may think that money is invented to make transaction in life much easyer. you can probebly imagine that in ancient history a hunter just shot a deer while a farmer had some carrots and they wanted to exchange,but the meet is much more worth than the carrots so they wantetto have some tool to exchange something so they could pay eachoter the differences. in this version of the story this is how money was created,in the form of tablets tokens gold or silver or watever.later in the story banks would apear to finaly store the money and to lend out money from the people that had to much money [the savers] to the people that had to little money [the investors] and from there the fractionalsystem and the lending and the credit apeared.so money came first and dept and credit after the money. the problem with this story is that it may sound plauseble but there is verry little evidence and material to back up this story
  there is a lot of evidents and arguments that the dept came first and the money came later when people started to use there dept token and dept sigils as money. now why would this be the case,wel it would be logical becose of seizonal production. in acient societys food and productional products came on to the market on different times,so the farmer has perhaps not jet harvastet the cherrots,while the hunter had not a refrigiator to store its shooten pray for meat. so what did they do now the farmer took the meat from the hunter while they made a agreement that he would pay from the charriots later when they where ripe and availeble. so at this moment the farmer has accepted a dept wich was a promis to pay the hunter later in the future.
so here we have a relation between a creditor and a deptor now yuo can imagine that in a bigger society and in a world with differnt products i gets a lot more complicatedsituation becose you get a complicated web of dept in relation that needs a regestration of what the dept is what interrestform when it needs to be payed of and so on,so for al thiyou need a system that records this al so the upshot is that as soon you get different transactions with different products and different people at different times of the yer he yo need to record credit and dept or what we now call double entry bookkeeping.
albert einstein had sad that humanity has made three major rvolutions and that was the creation of language the control of fire and coocking and the double entry bookkeeping. while this is al interesting but why do we need to know al this, well money is nothing else than the dept tokens that is used as payments afteral a pept is a claim on future unsalved paymenses and so money as token is realy worth something and you can pay with it. lets say the dept is written on a clay tablet the hunter the hunter can now use the tablet to pay somewere else like a fisherman and as the tokens are desepeared becose of the interaction the interaction now olso needs a proclaimer like a king or chief proclaiming the valeu of the money this also opens up the posebillety of central clearing wich realy simplefies things . for example ; if a has a claim on b and b has a claim on c while c has a claim on a than they could all could pay eachother the claytablets but it is also posseble without any of thes depttokens to change hands the teplets could also be left in a main central storage while only the ownership over the tokens in dept change hands now society can handle a much larger number by central depts and its relations becose you can salve it by clearing you dont need to carry it al around in fact thats why in the acient society called soemeria thousents of claytablets where found in agient templeruins they where the central banks of those days wich means our money system is already thousents of years old 

here in fact is explaned why this matter so much to us in current times becose nothing has changed just as in agient times money is dept this is why money for us is so important for exchange and economic growth.on a brittish pound is written a text with a signiture of the banker for this note i hand the owner one brittisch pound now nobody is gonna bring that bill to the bank becose he wil get another pound back but this prooves that money is dept and dept is money there is another way to see that money is dept becose new money apears when people increese their depts the quantety of money in circulation increeses as banks make new lones there is nothing secret about that you can read about it on the websites of central banks but it is a bit confusing sins the word lending sugests that it is something that already exist sinse you can only lend out money that you already have but this isnt the case by the lending of money by banks banks dont lend money they create money and they create it out of tin air 
but how does the quantety of money increese as bank make new lones? well lets take a example suposte that i want to buy a new car wich costs 220000 euro wich i do not have at the moment so i go to a bank and ask for a loan in this case a consumption lone i wil have to show my creditcard and the banker types some numbers in the computer and the bank just has loaned me 220000 euro nowi go to the dealer and buy the car but i dont gonna carry a huge bag of cash over street instead i just show my creditcard to the cardealer and the cardealer accepts the sail now the bank transfers the money to the account of the car dealer for the car dealer this is real money he can buy food and products with the money and the money supply just increased with 220000euro  now the money didnt existed before i asked for the loan so the bank simply created the money out of nothing and this is treu becose lets supost that i changed my mind this morning and it wasnt such a good idea to buy a new car than i wouldnt ask for a loan and wouldnt pay the cardealer the 220000 euro and the car dealer wouldnt have the money and couldnt buy food from it the monney suply would be 220000 euro lesser than when i did buy the car so lending does realy create new money and you may ask yourself but what is it that gives this new created money its valeu wel to that the answer is the money that already existed the new created money steals its valeu from the existing money and this is actualy a secret hidden tax that the people have to pay for al the new created money becose when the total money suply is increesed the valeu of money decreeses becose the money suply gets increesed without the askfor  peoples demands and services so to keep this al in equalibrium prices of products rize and lower the power of purchase of each individual dollar or euro this is referred to as inflation 

15 sep 2015

to live without money

this is a man of my hart he realy speaks truth and this is a lessen from wich everybody can learn

ecovillages in europe

ecovillages in europe
the world is waking up and there are starting to apear more and more ecovillages in the world the people start to awaken


eco villages seem to apear everywhere this does good to my hart

8 sep 2015

the inner world of ahkimu

hello people might know that there is more then the eyes can see and the fisicle world you see around you is just a smal glimps of the total multiverse that exists as wel on the inner basis as on the outer basis. today i am taking you with me on a trip to such a inner world and the way of life of the people that live in it and their religion or life filosephy and educational systems,their social faciletys, their recreational faciletys,their food production faciletys their research faciletys and their energysources wich provide enough energy for the whole village to thrive so their community lives in perfect harmony and is synchronized with its natural envirement 


The religion 
the people that live in this community have a own personal filosephy about their perspective of god or the creator and this filosephy is mainly based on the macrocosmos as living entety and thus god in oneness oneness in deversety  they believe that each consiousness is a universe [even from the smallest living organisms ] up to the levels of full consious beyings and they all exist within the eternal subconsious mind wich is the spirit or space the matter in it is the fisicle body and the lifeforms in it are devided into universes while every universe has its own individual reality and a subconsious higher task in the holeness of the bigger picture as part of the creator beying so they all believe all life is eaqual and there is no high or low each life has its perpose in the bigger picture and nothing is worthless  even the flies have the same valeu as their nabers  their religion is based on consiousness but consiousness is a complecated thing and difficult to explane
is it the neurons that create a complicated nervesystem? or is it to be found within the synapses of the brain itself?  it isnt realy a objective thing more a subjective thing therefor  you can say its the level of awareness of selfbeying and therefor it has different levels,the lower levels of consiousness is the awareness of the I in wich you are as person and its what makes you you as person that is living in your reality its the abilety to think about life to think about death and to think about the things that you love and the things that makes you sad the higher levels of consiousness is the awareness of self its the vision of who you are as part of the higher beying or entety of the cosmos itself its beying aware of the universe wich you are 
 the philosephy of this comunety is based  on selfimprovement by working to free yourself from whatever negative energy that may have worked itself in your live they believe in compasion and sympathy and empathy and forgiveness becose they are aware that they would program anger or hate or jelousy or greed etc in the divine creator if they would let it in their own lives  they know that to destroy yourself is to destroy god and to improove yourself is to heal god this religion gives them the inner connection with the devine beying but this filosephy creates the harmonic interaction within their community where such  a thing as  money isnt even needed everybody has its own task in the community if you are good in teaching then you become a teacher if your good in argiculture then you become a farmer if your good in science you become a scientist and so everybody works together on a voluntary basis  

educational facilletys 
the educational facilletys are basicly focused on the natural envirement the younger children get the normal education with the basic classes like math language and grammatica chemestry physics and technolegy but there is a special focus on biolegy and all the studies on nature children are beying tested to find out where there own poptentials are to be found and all children follow the educational path based on their own talents and powers the higher education faciletys are especialy focussed on healthcare the technics bioengineering teaching archicultures architectures naturalsiences and creative arts you also have mysteryschools that teach about more complecated things as astronemy mytholegy alchemy geometry symbolegy theosophy and the arts of magic  the children are teached at young age about everything in nature like the carboncycle  and fotosynthese and the nitrogencycle and the watercycle and weathercirculation and the cirkel of life of all the animals that live in it they are beying teached these siences to get the deeper insight that this all is a lifeform itself and they are a part of it  this gives them theconnection  with the self and helps them to find their lifegoal that gives meaning to their life they learn that everything has a individual reality and a subconsious reality the bees live in total freedom and stil they spread the nectar over the fields for flowers to grow and insects live also as free as they can be and stil they help working away the dead plants and trees and the birds who are also free keep the insectpopulation in order and so on for everything in life children learn that their consiousness and soul is their lifepurpose becose they fulfill their subconsious task in the higher reality with their consiousness by understanding and researching things while they totaly enjoy and love what they do and their soul wich expiriences the joy and sorrow fullfills the task with its emotion that is what they learn is their lifepurpose and main goal when they are getting aware of that they only need to focus on their own abilletys in what they love what fits for them and wich direction the lifecourse in its education wil take 

the food production faciletys 
the foodproduction faciletys are real advanced the food is grown on farmtowers with the help of hydrophonics and airophonics

there are no chemicals used for spraying there is no gmo the food is grown on a biologic basis

the people work here for only a few hours each day and they enjoy their agriculture 

the social faciletys 
there are a lot of social faciletys sportcentres the cinemas restaurants a lake swimpools but the best thing they got is in the center of the city in the center of the city in the recreational facilitys [the park] stands a hill with a masive tribune cut in it and in front of the tribune is a huge firepit wich is used almost every evening the entire village comes together in the evening  and they build a massive fire and the elder people sit and chat relax in front of the fire while the youth entertains the elders by showing them the creativety and talents in music cabaret storytelling theatre and much more they perform their arts on a small stage that stands at the other side of the firepit this is always a level of joy that goes beyond imagenation becose they also make use of the elements elements like the fire the fire brings to that community the creativety the pasion and energises the harmony thats why every evening there is special there is nothing more joyfull then a amazingevening celebrating the posetive energys in harmony with eachother all around the campfire sharing knoledgwe sharing thoughts sharing joy sharing pleasure and as the people are happy so is the spirit or define beying 
   for the children there is a lot of playground with atributes to enjoy themselves but the children are spending more time into the woods where they build amazing treehouses you can realy see only at those houses how advanced these children realy are they are build like a professional craftsman had buil them there is something for everyone in ah ki mu 

the way of life in the usage of products and tools to substain life is totaly different then our ways becose nobody in ah ki mu realy owns something they have gotten rid of the idea of a ownership they share their tools and products like if you are loaning books in a library somebody may always use it when he needs it but when he is done somebody else can make use of it this comunity is highly aware that it aint about the tools but about the task those tools deliver so why should they own them this works with many things this way with games with movies with tools for in the gardens like lawnmohers and chainsaws and it even works this way with their transport the vehicles the people use arent owned by anyone they are there to perform the task of transportation while they suport energy to the houses and stores to when they stand stil but there are vehicles everywhere when someone needs it he just takes it until the task is done then the next person can make use of it the tools and products are also not build to only outstand one year becose its better for production no the are build for longlivety and when they are broken they get repared and are updated instead of replaced this is the natural way that is simular to everything you see in the ways of the cosmos the cosmos never spills anything and everything is used you might already start to realize that the deviding between rich and poor or having much or havent got anything doesnt work in this comunity everybody has got acces to the tools and products and nothing is owned by anyone  isnt this beautifull 

recreational faciletys 
the village of ah ki mu is build in a way that nature is to be found everywere the streets are filled with trees and plants and the trees and plants that grow there arent normal plants no they are all eateble their are walnuttrees there are appletrees there are strawberryss there are peachstrees and realy everywhere you can practicly pick the fruits right of them so nobody is suffering from hunger and becose there are so many plants and trees the animal population is also quite big there especialy the birdpopulations are big and it may sound strange but the people also comune with the animals the animals dont realy interact by the language or words that been spoken they interact more by tone and bodylanguage wich means non verbal communication it may be hard to believe but it totaly works perfect there and so there is harmony between the people but as wel with the nature the people also take care of the animals becose they see that as their responsebillety and the village has many parks with sacred wells to that is housed by ducks gooses swans moorhens and other waterbirds and by most of the wells grow the sacred salix vitalinas wich are willow trees their roots seek for that stream of water wich is also often connected to laylines so in the areas where many of those trees are to be found its a sign that there are leylines going trough that area and thats importend becose they are the boundrys and gates between different realms realitys or demensions so there is a lot of influence from fairys [al spiritual entetys are belonging to the fairy class] its often sad that they are the gardiens of nature and here they like to live becose the harmony and happynes of the people loads their energy it aint even a religion anymore about fairys becose the entire community has totaly accepted the existence of such entetys and there is not any doupt in anyone if this actualy might be a ilusion and in the east and west side of the outer parts of the village are great forrests the poeple love the woods and the forrests provide the comunety its woods becose the people tread the trees with respect and consider them to be sacred  for every tree that gets cut down a new tree gets planted and thats the way it should be done 

Research faciletys 
the village has also got its own research faciletys where the researches are mainly based on free energy and especialy zero point energy the zeropoint energy is the energy that is stored in the worlds magnetic field this energy can be tapped by zeropointfield generators now this technolegy is stil in its dyphers becose there is not so much energy that it can profide a entire city or country or continent but there is progress in the entire research a generator is already capeble to provide a household from light but it can not provideenough energy for heavy electric devises that consume a lot of power [watts] 
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people would suspect that there is much research about maintaining imortalety to but that is totaly not the case and this is for several reasons 1 is that the comunity understands infiniti and the real self and know that thats what they realy are and that wich never will die it is the essence that is imortal they dont need imortality and just flow with the natural cycle their awareness is developed enough to understand that everything has consequences and if they would choose for the old age to remain and not pass that the consequences would lead to the youth that doesnt recieve birth anymore and they are not that egoistic they just flow with the natural cycle of death and rebirth as the way it should be there is also done much studies on solar energy and this is also in progress for the rest the research is much based on the space and its outer limits and they are tracking for other worlds that provide life but havent succeeded yet 

the energy sources 
the energysources of this village are al ecobased and they have ceveral different ways to produce their energy the first way offcourse is solar pannel fields wich are leveld directing the south side of the village these fields could already produce 80%of the energy of this city but it gets better the windturbuline fields wich are directing towards whatever direction you point them at are good for 65% of all the needed energy but there is also a waterstuwforce generating station in the nearby area wich also provides 65% of al the needed energy and to realy make it a beautfull utopia village their are factorys that work on expirimental basis with cold fusion and these factorys are producing also a amount of 60% of the energy needed to substain the village that means they produce 270% of energy and can transport 170% of energy to other vilages  and everything is ecobased without any polution zero nada is this heaven ?

a geomagnetic train 
there is also a geomagnetictrain cirkeling the vilage in minuts and the trainrails is getting expanded this train levitades on its rail and is the topnotch  of their technolegy so for everyone that has read this story please notice that it is poseble to create a fair world in wich everybody has the abilety to thrive i thank you for your time and energy to listen to this story and hope that it one day actualy manifests ordescends into fisecle reality namaste

 open sourcefor more information is added so it may be continued

7 sep 2015

de creatie van het gemanifesteerde

"ik ben of ben je niet¿? ja het is wat wij ben toch? het is ik die 1 ben wij die 1 ben ons die 1 ben het die 1 ben de die1 ben en  een een die 1 ben dat is wat zelf ben jamy pol schrijft de kennis in zijn verhaal jamsster brahmandahrmavizie "

  je creeert per leven elk leven een eigen universum  die je vult met kennis,als de kennis van de ziel het intelect van het individuele zelf is overstegen dan zal de persoonlijke zelf de herrineringen van alle universums die dus bestaan uit vorige levens ook in de herrineringen weer kunnen beleven en zal hierdoor ook het elementaire zelf worden overstegen.Hierdoor zal zeker het emotionele zelf boven leed worden verheven en het intelectuele zelf door de weize en verhevenen worden geprezen,omdat hij vereenzelfiging berijkt heeft met het vreugdevolle zelf  die hij vertolkt in de werkelijkheid "die zelf is" in  waarheid via spraak dat zelf is door het geluid wat ook zelf is p, ziet het zichzelf "dat zelf is" in waarheid door het zicht"dat zelf is"door hetgeen wat gezien word wat ook zelf is,beleeft het zichzelf"dat zelf is"in waarheid via het denkbeeld "dat zelf is"in waarheid door hetgeen wat gedacht word in gedacten die ook zelf zijn,hoort het zichzelf " dat zelf is"in waarheid door het gehoor dat zelf is door geluiden die ook zelf zijn , het zichzelf voelt in gevoel " dat zelf iis"in waarheid door de tast van huid die het zelf ook is en het zichzelf in waarheid kan ruiken "in een geurorgaan"dat zelf is"door de geur dat ook zelf is en ook zichZelf in waarheid kan proeven "dat zelf is "in de smaak "die zelf is" door hetgeen wat word geproefd word dat ook zelf is. Ik kan het best zeggen brahman maar zeg toch liever pullah omdat ik hem via die naam ken  al is hij naamloos 

Lang lang lang geleden was er de  geest van het onderbewuste die een oneindigheid
 in rust en vrede nog ongemanifesteerd liet bestaan maar daar waar ruimte en tijd ergens bestond was daarbinnen het bewustzijnn een zoektochtt aan het gaan naar zijn schepper en en deze slaagde er uiteindelijk ook in maar dat contact was  geslaagd met het membraan van deze Geest en hierdoor gaf  deze een synaps afl aan ruimte en tijd en zo ontstond een innerlijke explosie die de ruimte en tijd een begin gaf tot bestaan enzo manifesteerde een deel van oneindigheit in de materie in een vorm van licht dat als lichaam van de kosmos het eerste beginsel werd het stof of lichaam van de kosmos maar dit lichaam raakte onmiddelijk in een hevige innerlijke streid omdat het tot manifestatie werd gebracht als 1 wat een lichaam in zijn geheel altijd door de evenwicht een dualitijd binnen het 1 veroorzaakt voor materie was dit1 gezamelijk met antimaterie en deze raakte in oorlog met als gevolg totale vernietiging maar doordat het bewustzijn dat eigenlijk verantwoordelijk was dat het ongemanifesteerde tot manifestatie kwam het tegelijk ook Albevestigde aan het eerste beginsel dat materie zou overwinnen en zo  maakte het dat de materie overwon en het  uit vreugde zn gehele lichaam in glorie vol trots uitvloeide zo ver als met maar kon  door expansie en en zo ook daarbij uimte ontstond omdat het ergens binnen moest bestaan dus werd besloten dat ruimte maar oneindig moest zijn want het niets wat ruimte tegelijk ook is bewees onwetende in hun verstand dat het onmogelijk niets kon zijn aangezien het toch 3 demensies bevatte lengte breedte en hoogte.

de materie  groeide hierdoor  tot waar het bewustijn het niet meer kan waarnem en berijkte dit enkel door meerdere fragmenten die elkaar vervolgden in een continuem  en dit was dus het moment (die de normale vorm was) van de gehele kosmos die nu dus  was gemanivesteerd  tot momenta en een vierde demensie verscheen die een bewustzijn kent als tijd 

en zo was het eerste beginsell ontstaan ruimte en licht en tijd waren ontstaan binnen 4 demensies en 4 krachten stonden op om binnen het lichaam te werken om lichaam in stand te houden maar zo werd het lichaam verdeelt in deversietijd omdat het vormde tot vele sterconstalaties en dit gaf een ilusie van afscheiding binnen het lichaam en doordat moest worden verdeeld in verschillende hoogtes van frequentie van het licht zo ontstond een vijfde demensie  de ether die een volume creerde  door lichtdeeltjes te weerkAatsen tussen noden die de hoogte van frequentie van het licht bepalen.de vijf demensies die kwamen uit het ontstaan van het llichaam van de materie of stof waren gericht op het lichaam in totalitijd maar deze verdubbelde zich en de volgense vijf verdeelde het lichaam verder omdat ze gerichtt zijn op ruimtelijke gebieden binnen deeltjes  van licht  niet gericht op het geheel als 1 wat de 1e vijf wel waren en uiteindelijk was 10 demensionale werkelijkheid de waarheid wat een rationeel denkende geest tevreden stelt omdat hij denkt dat hij het begrijpen kan maar de werkelijkheid eigenlijk onwerkelijkheid is in de totale kennis waar het ongemanifesteerd, onveranderlijk en vormloos is, noch is het zonder vorm, noch zonder verandering en noch zonder het gemanifesteerde maar goed de 10 demensionale werkelijkheid die het totaal van de kosmos vormde in universele wet iemand komt in het pad van licht ook altijd uit op de kennis van eenheid  in de verscheidenheid door deversiteid  waar de leer uitkomt op het licht zelf wat leven is en het leven dat enkel in licht tot manifestatie komt  dit is een pad dat leid van 1-1-1 naar 2-2-2 zo het eerste beginsel en verder ; 3-3-3,4-4-4,5-5-5,6-6-6,7-7-7,8-8-8 tot 9-9-9 en zo uiteindelijk 1.000 maar zelfs in die totalitijt was er nog een extra demensie nodig opdat de observatie van de tien demensies vanaf een extra demensie af moest komen aangeZien het van butenaf moest kijken en zo vormde de 11e die het bewustzijn zelf is die observeert vanaf buiten waar geen buiten is en "ervaart naar binnen dat zonder binnen is het is de ruimte zelf die oneindig is als zowel niets dat is zelf en enkel zelf is wat het is zelf is 1 zelf is verschijdenheid zelf is eenheid zelf is deversiteid zelf is dualitijd  zelf is 1 zelfis 2 zelf is 3 zelf is  infinite dat is zelf zelf is 

ik ben hij is ik ben hij hij is ik''


consiousness what is it exactly? 
is it the neurons that create a complicated nervesystem? or is it to be found within the synapses of the brain itself?
i think it isnt realy a objective thing more a subjective thing therefor  i would say its the level of awareness of selfbeying and therefor it has different levels,the lower levels of consiousness is the awareness of the I in wich you are as person and its what makes you you as person that is living in your reality its the abilety to think about life to think about death and to think about the things that you love and the things that makes you sad the higher levels of consiousness is the awareness of self its the vision of who you are as part of the higher beying or entety of the cosmos itself its beying aware of the universe wich you are 

jamy pol©®™ a.k.a. jamsster*

Mijn foto
de tzaddik is de rechtvaardige en een steunpilaar van de levensboom van aarde,wanneer er veel rechtvaardige zijn is dit fundament sterk en onbreekbaar maar wanneer er geen rechtvaardigen zijn wordt hij wankel en kan de wereld niet bestaan. daarom is het waarheid wat de heilige geschriften spreken . Zelfs als er in de wereld maar 1 rechtvaardige is dan is het wet dat de wereld deze zal volgen en ik jamy pol bsn:100272095 ben TZADDIK dat gelooft mijn zelf met geest en ziel volledig dus de stelling is waar “een rechtvaardig persoon is het fundament in de steunpilaar van aarde (caballa)
