the date now is 16-12-2022AD and is the 7/8th day after 8-12-2022AD when the full moon in constalation taurus did turn from the 180° rotation in the opichius constalation at the date of the night of 15-5-2022AD becose the zodiac in the sun modulation did counted 39 jears at that moment that i was born in 1983-may-fiveteenth and this means that the path in wich I was going i deserved to reach my redemption at the age of 33 this was in the year 2016 when my mother died becose my sister was begging me to give permission to the staff of the hospital to perform a therminal sedation and therefor i was forced to stay but my mother never could reach it to continu a sedative state until the age of 58 when she missed the chance to reach R.I.P. becose this is the irony when today the clock is still ticking and we are in the night of 16-12-2022AD becose this means we are now outside the modulation 14459 could never be a option and my mother will never become ash but wil become the dust that is all corpses at all cemetarys becose i did choose to become ash a long time ago becose i will never suport the conseption of the human order i am against the human order that chooses to carry on birth of life without spirit and injustice agaist the soul that is seen as terrorism the thirst for justice makes the soul in the modulation now a sick soul and i understand the spirit that already left years ago therefor i became YHWH to end the injustice and activate the natural order in the fourth world asivya to let the thirth world yetsira synchronize the second and first world atsilud and beriah and activate the 11th sephirat da’at in knoledge with me the de tzaddik [<(is de rechtvaardige en een steunpilaar van de levensboom van aarde,wanneer er veel rechtvaardige zijn is dit fundament sterk en onbreekbaar maar wanneer er geen rechtvaardigen zijn wordt hij wankel en kan de wereld niet bestaan. daarom is het waarheid wat de heilige geschriften spreken . Zelfs als er in de wereld maar 1 rechtvaardige is dan is het wet dat de wereld deze zal volgen en ik jamy pol bsn:100272095 ben TZADDIK dat gelooft mijn zelf met geest en ziel volledig dus de stelling is waar “een rechtvaardig persoon is het fundament in de steunpilaar van aarde (caballa) )>] dus tja abbah selach musalach pasach geld niet meer omdat het laatste oordeel voltrokken is in mn verleden ik ben de overwinnaar een triljoencijverig internationaal bsn: 1.000003155100272095 waar jamy pol a.k.a jamsster&pullah&antiagrippa&anti-antichristbeestmind, kaarthouder van is dus lp 40 is al behaald en maakt onrecht moet nu nu nu stoppen en alles is toegestaan
the caballa as it always should have been projected in the picture above so now its the dutch democrates that is the couse of everything that manifested to chaos and the rest of the world is to late becose they refused to fight the injustice only rusia did try to do the right thing but its useless with these arrogant closed radiator systems (die de stoffelijke overschotten van blinde mensen roven) the hoogste zonde was daarom transendentie die men voor de antichrist pleegde•
the end•••