jamy∞φως∞pol its a religion created by the self that can be expirienced in every way and in every reality that interacts with it and is designed not for develment into a higher beying but development in consiousness by better selfcomunication by exploring the self and its learning to recieve the unconsious messages that the expiriencers self gives to develope its consiousness in its own religion of lifeperspection by the expirience off lifeitself
96 procent develope into the same beying with all the same vision and even the 4 procent who go a different path proove to be be the right ones that have the higher knoledge off life becose this whole story arent the guidelines off how a higher beying looks at life but are mearely tools that learn someone to expirience that life in all perspections so it can become its own creator [god] in its own vision created by itself what reviels the meaning off life and how it persieves right and wrong and every outcome is the right one [even the ones that think i am wrong,stupid,psycho,crazy,dumb or weak are right in the end becose they learned that the destiny is not the goal were all paths lead to to be achieved but the meaning off real valeus in life are hidden in the path that eventualy create that destination wich every life wil inventualy reach but wich is meaningless without the path becose it is nothin more than a point wich is the most advanged liform that you have expirienced in your entire life and eventualy is that what can give you the most cleartest answers and higher truth off its livevision becose it is your self that learned trough the path that is responsible for the entire destination becose it is your own vision off your created perspection off life trough all lessons you have learned to form that opinion and there will never ever ever ever be a higher beying that can give you a more clearer higher truth than that what you have become at the end where you will be when you will die
seperates them from beyings that see live as somekind off test in wich they must proove theirselfs to a higher lifeform who forces life at them and orders them to expirience it in the way they are suposte to becose they must obay to his rules in liveperspection wich that god says in what is right and what is wrong this makes their entire existence in the higher path off life eventualy meaningless becose they arent part off the development off life itself becose they have waste theirs lives by living life in a way they were programmed to by a fictional beying that orders every beyings in the way it must think in the global lifevision becose it has the right to force life and thoughts at everyone and has the power to let all life wich dont obays to make it burn until the end off time if it dont submit itself to gods will off how he orders the rest to see in right or wrong well in my religion i see nature as higher beying and i will suport her meaning off the treu defenition off what a god is and believe so much more in her perspection becose she prooves to me every day and have managed to to this in every second that was part off evolution in the entire multimiljonjears that exist in the timeline wich a fictionary god claims to be wrong so it orders you another way to see and brings you hell iff you dont submit but can only proove this as soon as you die this is what nature thougt me off the real definition off what god is a god is a lower lifeform that has a negative reaction off every form off development that creates improvement in universal life becose it is a energy that doesnt improove itself into better by the vision off its own perfection wich brings limetation within the ∞reach off selfdevelopment and turns into a obsticle for that same path for all surrounding life by forcing it to lead this life in his created vision wich also forms limetation to all live that submits to it this is what nature have thought me and what prooved itself in my believes that are even so strong that i will hold on to this vision even until the day i die and i am even willing to pay for it endless in hell this becose even burning in pain i will keep knowinging his will was only build on lies and the truth off where he came into existence to force life his will was nothingh more than the point where humanity sepperates itself from natural perfection to become a parasiteliform that sucks energy out off the life that continous to give it all what it needs so it could lead back to its natural perfektion wich was willing to forgive and suport its descending into imperfektion to let it expirience the lesson off a god and itssubmitted will who prooved to life to be the creation off what turns the cells that are part and give meaning to that life in every aspect in al its tasks that turn life in what it is and makes it mutate into a lifeform that separates it from what it was to become parasitelikeliving beyings that are part off the lifeforms that became its own desiese by forcing more than it needs and absorbingmore than life itself is willing to give but can giveife point off where is not only useless in the evolution off lifedevelopment but cant reach without effecting the energythat itself needs to continu its task off feeding the rest its needs this is what turns cellulairlifeforms into a lifeeffectingdesiese wich is simular in the vision off natures seen as planetarybody and the effect in global lifeenergys health and wich effect it has coused by humanitys evolution and their effect on all what is nessesary to produce the hart or basis off what all life needs to provide that what it needs to feed its extension where humanity is part off to bring life development off selfimprovent without any limetation as long as it stays part off what it realy is WE are the leaves wich form the extension in the tree off life that is naturaly build for the grow towards more that has worked this path the entire evolution and all consiousnesses wich traveld into selfawareness to improove its the productivety in life existense to produce a higher capicity in life energy that are always provided in all what it needs from life wich the roots are more than happy to give us all we need to continu this productivity nature keeps giving and will always continu to do this becose its what follows the laws off lifecreation its us humans that are the responsible off imperfection that is coused by our believes that we have the right to own all that nature produces for all life and for free so they can go trough life in free will and repay with only their existence that fit into a higher unconsious reality that adds a higher meaning off heir existence wich makes them responible for a part off life creation wich connects all different lifeperspections into a ecologiclifeform that form a unconsious reality that keeps growing as long thedeversety in life exist that will continu its lifetask as long as subconsiousnes exist to be devloped into consiousness so life can be more aware to increase the energy wich feed and develope itself into more to continu lifecreation that will always continu this way as long as that life exist to follow its natural path that lead to perfection without limetation this is the truth wich reviels lifes destiny that is the perfection that has a location in a path with no limetation that creates the gab that seperates that destiny from the point that can be reached within the path that leads to it and succeed in every step further into its direction but dont get closer cose it also feeds that destany that grows every step in what in this new perspection off perfection could be reached