jamsster religiefictievizie maakt op 21-2-2012 dat oneindigheid voor ieder individu door idemnificatie tot gewaarwording gerealiseert word in 33°-4°-360°en dus0° חוחי ben ik jamy pol Donr:100272095 en ziggo account:77756(7)1 of j.pol244@ziggo.com de formule van oneindigheid is deze mantra |<[het is de dorst naar gerechtVVaardigheid die oneindigheid voor elk individu tot gewaarwording bestendigd in realiteit.
🕐the global statics of the world🕐
22 okt 2015
a message for myself
4 okt 2015
the answer for me
my answer
to most people the problem of enlightment
lays in the question who am i but for me
There is not any problem in salving the question who i am but its not realy to distanciate yourself from the mindbecose even the mind is part of I there is only one thing that actualy isnt part of I and thats the ignorence that tries to keep me. ignoring the truth for the rest al my gifts and weaknesses are part of the treu self that i am i wouldnt be the same self if i would denie any of them as part of my self therefor the past does actualy has a special valeu and i cant realy say its ilusion becose everything in the past happend for a reason and the sufference was ment to happen to form the self who i am in the present to eventualy be able to create my pad in the future so the suffering gave me the lessons to become who i am in the present and also gives me the abilety to totaly thrive in my future and each momentum in the now from this moment so i accept my powers and my weaknesses and the truth that in the end they are both one and the same it is the hart that is the answer to the next question wich ofcourse is what are your weaknesses and powers
It is the spiritual guide that actualy teached me that lesson and i consider it as one of the highest truths
he once sayed
"The weakness and powers of a person are actualy one and the same it is the way he embodys it that makes it what they are for him and the best samuray fighter can have the sharpest magical sword but that sword can also be the bait of the best fisherman and the biggest fool with the crazyest thoughts can contain the highest wisdom in a higher reality"that realy became a vision that was a huge part of my treu selve becose it was my hart that always made me vanoureble for everything including the truth of our reality in the world wich brought me a lot of suffering becose of the empathy but eventualy that hart became also the treu answer in every choise that i made to evolve into a better person
therefor even when i know the level of sufference is totaly not accepteble in the reality we live in in the present i stil believe that a minimum level of sufferense wil always be part of reality becose the one needss the other and one cant expierience treu happyness if he doesnt know sorrow to become totaly free of sufference one has to give up the posebilety to expirience joy and totaly be zen and that may free a soul from suffering but in my opinion also takes away the meaning of his life becose i believe we are ment to expirience joy of everything thats created by our higher self wich is the subconsious mind in wich we form the consiousness so to expirience total joyof al his creations is what gives meaning to our lives and therefor i am not at the same level of the buddahs teachings becose i dont believe we should give up the desire but i am at at the same level in the buddahs vision that its useles to please the desires becose that only leads to sufference in my believes the answers can be found in the fullfilment of the right desires and that is always to be found in al natural things in the form of apreciation there his no higher level of joy than to apreciate all small things in life and this never leads to any suffering but it is treu that suffering teaches tto the awareness of a mind wich things have real valeu and wich things are only leading to sufference becose sorrow makes a mind aware and therefor sorrow is needed to reach treu happyness when you can totaly enjoy the rest and piece from silence its becose the tears tought you that lesson and therefor the tears are just as important in love as the expirience of joy you cant have one without the other and its no coinsedence that people cry from both sorrow and joy thats simply becose tears are a expression of love therefor for one to become enlighted he needs to be aware what couses the sufference and also understand the deeper meaning why he needed to suffer so he is able to apreciate the pain [ofcourse always when you look back never in looking forward] but i realy am being onest when i speak now that i apreciate al the pain ive been trough in my past becose i wouldnt be who i am if i would have avoid al the pain i would have deffenitly turned againt myself and lost contact with it i believe the answer i was searching for to become enlighted was the fulfilment of the right desires and this can only be reached in the form of apreachiation to be thankfull for all things in life is the fullfilment of the right desires and the fulfilling of your lifeperpose that were my personal answers that i found in my path that freed my mind from ignorence
16 sep 2015
the problem of econemy
15 sep 2015
to live without money
ecovillages in europe
8 sep 2015
the inner world of ahkimu
7 sep 2015
de creatie van het gemanifesteerde
in rust en vrede nog ongemanifesteerd liet bestaan maar daar waar ruimte en tijd ergens bestond was daarbinnen het bewustzijnn een zoektochtt aan het gaan naar zijn schepper en en deze slaagde er uiteindelijk ook in maar dat contact was geslaagd met het membraan van deze Geest en hierdoor gaf deze een synaps afl aan ruimte en tijd en zo ontstond een innerlijke explosie die de ruimte en tijd een begin gaf tot bestaan enzo manifesteerde een deel van oneindigheit in de materie in een vorm van licht dat als lichaam van de kosmos het eerste beginsel werd het stof of lichaam van de kosmos maar dit lichaam raakte onmiddelijk in een hevige innerlijke streid omdat het tot manifestatie werd gebracht als 1 wat een lichaam in zijn geheel altijd door de evenwicht een dualitijd binnen het 1 veroorzaakt voor materie was dit1 gezamelijk met antimaterie en deze raakte in oorlog met als gevolg totale vernietiging maar doordat het bewustzijn dat eigenlijk verantwoordelijk was dat het ongemanifesteerde tot manifestatie kwam het tegelijk ook Albevestigde aan het eerste beginsel dat materie zou overwinnen en zo maakte het dat de materie overwon en het uit vreugde zn gehele lichaam in glorie vol trots uitvloeide zo ver als met maar kon door expansie en en zo ook daarbij uimte ontstond omdat het ergens binnen moest bestaan dus werd besloten dat ruimte maar oneindig moest zijn want het niets wat ruimte tegelijk ook is bewees onwetende in hun verstand dat het onmogelijk niets kon zijn aangezien het toch 3 demensies bevatte lengte breedte en hoogte.
ik ben hij is ik ben hij hij is ik''
26 aug 2015
Ssl certificate
12 aug 2015
the 13 bloodlines
4 aug 2015
the famelytree
3 aug 2015
The chandogya upanishad wich has special meaning to me
29 jul 2015
jamssterbrahmandahrmavision: Decleration of human rights
28 jul 2015
The magic button — Make Everything OK
26 jul 2015
sacred texts
21 jul 2015
the starchart for jamy pol a.k.a the jams*,pullah pol
this was a chart that i recieved about my birthdate and the astronomy of the majas and guide in my path
Yellow Electric Warrior
Yellow Warrior is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you are becoming. Yellow Warrior, the galactic guide, is a mystic ferryman on the return path to the stars; allow Yellow Warrior's staff to ferry you to the spiraling vortex of cosmic consciousness. Yellow Warrior is the grace of the descent of the dove. Embody the mystic gift of trust in direct guidance. Through trust, you journey to the place of 'no time' and limitless light. There you will undergo the transformations to embody solar heart and mind. The number for Yellow Warrior is sixteen, the number of unity with the cosmic foundation of resonant evolution. As you embody the ferryman's staff, you become anchored in your connection to cosmic consciousness. Holding within you the foundational steps of the trinity, you carry the "Christed one" into the world. As a living mystic, you are the conduit of the spiraling galaxies that creates a union with cosmic consciousness. Sixteen may also be seen as the beginning of another octave - a higher octave characterized by organic balance and the new Earth under your feet. Yellow Sun is your Higher Self & Guide. Open your heart as a flower to the Sun, and become the same love that holds universes together! White World-Bridger represents your Challenge and Gift. With maturity and awareness this challenge will turn into a Focus. This is what you desire to learn in this lifetime. If you find yourself disturbed by or denying any painful processes, be willing to look at how you might embrace death. Death is a natural part of transformation. Sometimes we are brought to experience symbolic deaths such as loss, divorce, illness, or separation from others. Embrace these seemingly dark or difficult experiences; they will release you from attachments and expectations, clearing you to more fully receive the light. If you find yourself in a dark corner of depression or despair, White World-Bridger offers you a lifeline, a way out. Allow your burdens to be lifted into the sweet release and forgiveness of White World-Bridger. Don't give up. There is always someone somewhere who can help you. Reach out to a friend, a loved one, a therapist. Know that you are comforted and supported in love's unconditional embrace. Another shadow of White World-Bridger is the desire to be in control, which can move into fear of death. This fear may be expressed as an imbalance in your physical, mental or emotional well-being, or as an exaggerated focus on the body, health, money or addictive activities. Look at the consequences and possibilities that would be presented by your symbolic death. The transformation offered in White World-Bridger is found in surrender, release and forgiveness. Through awareness and clear intention, old patterns can magically shift, offering you a loving hand that shows a new way.
Blue night is the dark mystery within, the journey into self, that place to which you can always retreat to garner the gifts of your process subjectively. You are being asked to enter into and explore your process subjectively. Blue Night is the immense field of potential found in the depths of human emotion and feeling. The touch of Blue Night is like the moment you crawl into bed and feel yourself surrounded by warmth, darkness and peace. Your Tone is Tone 3 - Electric Movement, change, flow, current, creativity, integration, sacred trinity. *** These excerpts were taken from the book |
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- de tzaddik is de rechtvaardige en een steunpilaar van de levensboom van aarde,wanneer er veel rechtvaardige zijn is dit fundament sterk en onbreekbaar maar wanneer er geen rechtvaardigen zijn wordt hij wankel en kan de wereld niet bestaan. daarom is het waarheid wat de heilige geschriften spreken . Zelfs als er in de wereld maar 1 rechtvaardige is dan is het wet dat de wereld deze zal volgen en ik jamy pol bsn:100272095 ben TZADDIK dat gelooft mijn zelf met geest en ziel volledig dus de stelling is waar “een rechtvaardig persoon is het fundament in de steunpilaar van aarde (caballa)