🕐the global statics of the world🕐


4 okt 2015

the answer for me

i like to consider myself as a metaphisicien becose a phisicien investegates the sience to try to understand what makes up reality while a metaphisicien investigates the essense of al that is to get a idea of what makes up reality so a phisicien studies the subatomic world to shape its awareness while a metaphisicien studies the essence of the atomic world to increese its awareness the essence of the attomic world is the consiousness so a metaphisicien investigates the consiousness to become aware of what makes up reality and realizes that reality gets shaped by the believe of the people that live in it and reality isnt actualy a global but individual thing that is different for every soul inside of the reality the believe is the essence of all existense and shapes the reality of a person therefor sience does not contain more truth then religion as a matter of fact sience is another form of religion becose it is based on theorys that arent proven facts so sience is just another religion and contains even as much truth as it contains ilusion about the truth in reality the study of the essense of reality can give a more clear answer and that is the study of the consiousness becose the consiousness of someone shapes someones reality  to investigate the consiousness on a deeper level we first need to get a better understanding of what the cconsiousness realy is and where it can be found in all life i believe that actualy every living organism contains at least a bit of consiousness becose it at liest has a minimun level of awareness becose it expiriences reality but the consiousness that took a more advanced shape started to develop in the evolution at the moment of the forming of reptiliens therefor i believe the consiousness is to be found in the brainstem  where  the nervesystem of al beyings also can be found this primitive brain evolved into the high advanced brains of the humans and the early humans increesed the consiousness by gaving it a entire new form to increese the natural shape of awareness wich it already was this was the awareness of self being it became aware that al bodyparts were actualy part of himself and started to become aware of itself as individual beying also language or speech was formed within this consiousness to shape a more advanced form of communication now i believe that all lifeforms are capeble of comunicating with eachother only not so advanced as the humans do becose the communication of humans are demanding much more deeper details than the simple communication of other beyings but to get back on early humans they became aware of their self as individual beying  this was the next fase of the consiousness wich shaped the awareness of the consious mind later in evolution the humans started to develop a awareness of the connection they had and shared with al life this was the awarenes of higher self or the awareness of the subconsious mind that exists in all life and is part of all light both as individual mind in every beying and as universal mind of all light  this was the next fase of the evolution of the consiousness or the awareness of the collective or subconsious mind the answer about what exactly is reality and what forms reality actualy is the consiousness of a individual beying becose his believes about his truth are manifesting the results that let him expiriense his personal believes about what reality realy is therefor reality isnt realy a global picture but a individual picture that is different for every soul and does not contain a global truth only til the level that it is formed by the believes a individual soul has about his reality  becose he wil expirience his believes about reality and thus creates his own reality with his own believes when the believes of that individual soul goes beyond the level of his own lower self and thus sees itself as ilusion by beying aware of its treu self as the cosmos he wil expirience his believes and thus becomes one with his treu self as living entety of the cosmoss itself and get enlighted by the awareness of his treu self and the expirience as consiousness for the cosmos that expiriences his self as living entety that is in my believe the answer that sience can never reach about what reality is and what forms up reality  therefor i believe the metaphisicle studie can only give the treu answers that sience can never give becose those answers lay in the essence of the matter and not in the subatomic particles that form all matter  and again the essense of all matter is consiousness even from the lowest levels of nonconsiousness or subconsiousness  wich is simular to all space or spirit 

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jamy pol©®™ a.k.a. jamsster*

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de tzaddik is de rechtvaardige en een steunpilaar van de levensboom van aarde,wanneer er veel rechtvaardige zijn is dit fundament sterk en onbreekbaar maar wanneer er geen rechtvaardigen zijn wordt hij wankel en kan de wereld niet bestaan. daarom is het waarheid wat de heilige geschriften spreken . Zelfs als er in de wereld maar 1 rechtvaardige is dan is het wet dat de wereld deze zal volgen en ik jamy pol bsn:100272095 ben TZADDIK dat gelooft mijn zelf met geest en ziel volledig dus de stelling is waar “een rechtvaardig persoon is het fundament in de steunpilaar van aarde (caballa)
