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7 jul 2016

Fwd: hello

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Begin doorgestuurd bericht:
Van: Jamy Pol <jamypol@gmail.com>
Datum: 7 juli 2016 13:51:14 CEST
Aan: Andrea@itnjcommittee.org
Onderwerp: Doorst.: hello

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Begin doorgestuurd bericht:
Van: Jamy Pol <jamypol@gmail.com>
Datum: 7 juli 2016 13:49:13 CEST
Onderwerp: Doorst.: hello

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Begin doorgestuurd bericht:
Van: Jamy Pol <jamypol@gmail.com>
Datum: 7 juli 2016 13:15:30 CEST
Aan: Andrea Jacques <andrea@humanitad.org>
Kopie: Santi Azpilicueta <santi@humanitad.org>
Onderwerp: Antw.: hello
wel can you be more specific in what you mean with tescind is that the same as the termination of the rectification becose im just a simple soul and you have to be more clear and no thanks i have no interest in studie in YOUR FAQ  becose i may be simple but if you are not even able to give me a answer its a waste of time to spend energy in searching for reason in your FAQ and i already have a idea how it actualy works your authorety is simply tolerated by those with real power and you are stil powerles against them they simply tolerate you becose they have interest in your position so you become a tool for them and indeed that is not something i want to have any energy in contact with my declaration is written between only god mother and me personly so i have to keep my hands clean in this proces you can never fight evil with doing evil sorry  we are not at the same line. 
but i am always willing to hand some jewls that are useful for you to so here is mu gift
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQepeBXFdoeMCOE9fNUfM_ESLSiuj115x this might be handy for you some the second is what can open your eyes maybe some day http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQepeBXFdoeNxXvtVaqVO284EAxKh-Az7 s  the thirth is more for you to do  what you like and wich not but the fourth ois a blessing and the best gift you have ever recieved if you are able to understand the valeu its the key to infinity so heres my gift share it with the wotld and do as ye please peace namaste shanti shanti shanti o heres my gift share it with the wotld and do as ye please. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQepeBXFdoeMs76yj5oLIK_Q2Xibi2C-r
Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone
Begin doorgestuurd bericht:
Van: Jamy Pol <jamsster@me.com>
Datum: 7 juli 2016 13:31:21 CEST
Aan: info@bureautw.nl
Onderwerp: Doorst.:
truth is that your simble belongs to me i have claimed it with spiritual right
∞  that is what and when i am infinity
Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone
Begin doorgestuurd bericht:
Van: Jamy Pol <jamsster@me.com>
Datum: 7 juli 2016 13:25:31 CEST
i refer not  to presidents not to kings i refer to
the rockenfellers
the morgans
the freemans
the rothchilds
the onasis
the bundys
the kennedys
the reynolds
the collins
the duponds
the astors
the li
the van duiyns
those elites are beyond your power and you are simply their slave not for me i am free and not troubled by the ilusion they have that there is actualy something real in their power the have no idea how it would feel when the would posses their self so they never wil reach my level poor as they are
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Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone
Op 6 jul. 2016 om 18:35 heeft Andrea Jacques <
andrea@humanitad.org> het volgende geschreven:
Dear Jamy,
Thank you for contacting us with your request.  I am copying in Santi, our Technical Support expert, who will be able to delete your signature from the ITNJ Treaty and thereby rescind your ratification of same.
Please have a look at our FAQs for the answer to this question, related to your question:
How does the ITNJ have the authority to claim Universal Jurisdiction?

Andrea Jacques
Committee to Support the ITNJ

International Tribunal for Natural Justice
The Sovereign Voice Magazine
New Earth Project

On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 2:06 AM, Jamy Pol <jamypol@gmail.com> wrote:
ok that is fine but i do claim my right to be rectifyd from your data bank you may erase jamy pol 15-05-1983-100272095 the netherlands apeldoorn markerichtersveld313 N52°11'09"E6°6'6" from your records sorry but god asks me to do this so i have to thank you  and know that i wil place this message on my site just to make sure it does not get lost ok thank you for erasing me of your data base peace namaste shanti shanti shanti
Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone
Op 6 jul. 2016 om 07:33 heeft Andrea Jacques <andrea@humanitad.org> het volgende geschreven:
Dear Jamy Pol,
Treaties are contracts between sovereigns under international law.  I believe there is a related question asked and answered in our FAQs on our websites....  I have to get ready for a meeting just now, and will look for that answer for you as soon as I can.

Andrea Jacques
Committee to Support the ITNJ

International Tribunal for Natural Justice
The Sovereign Voice Magazine
New Earth Project

On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 5:07 PM, Jamy Pol <jamypol@gmail.com> wrote:
i would like a explanation about how you actualy are maneging to work on cases while the fact is that a treaty is not even actual legal law when a treaty is created the far i know the treaty first need to be aprooved by all authoretys from every nation to make it real international law so i am wondering how you are maniging to work on cases when you dont even have legal rights so please give me a explanation or i wil send a reqeust to rattify my signature from your records and my personal information ok thank you for helping me out? please respond within two days

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jamy pol©®™ a.k.a. jamsster*

Mijn foto
de tzaddik is de rechtvaardige en een steunpilaar van de levensboom van aarde,wanneer er veel rechtvaardige zijn is dit fundament sterk en onbreekbaar maar wanneer er geen rechtvaardigen zijn wordt hij wankel en kan de wereld niet bestaan. daarom is het waarheid wat de heilige geschriften spreken . Zelfs als er in de wereld maar 1 rechtvaardige is dan is het wet dat de wereld deze zal volgen en ik jamy pol bsn:100272095 ben TZADDIK dat gelooft mijn zelf met geest en ziel volledig dus de stelling is waar “een rechtvaardig persoon is het fundament in de steunpilaar van aarde (caballa)
